拼音:yáo yán英文解釋:
rumour; canard; groundless allegation; tale; talk【法】 false news; rumor; tale
(1) (2) 指沒有事實存在而捏造的話(3) 沒有公認的傳說(4) ∶民間流... >>查看“謠言”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.hearsay 2.rumour 3.talk 4.canard 5.tale 6.report 7.rugous漢語造句:
- 城裡謠言四起。Rumours swept through the town.
- 他親自露面使傳說他死亡的謠言不攻自滅。His appearance in the flesh ended the rumours about his death.
- 懷特霍爾街上流傳著謠言。Rumours are circulating in Whitehall.
- 他為謠言所困擾。He was disturbed about the rumor.
- 那條謠言毫無根據。The rumor was without foundation.
- 各種謠言正四處流傳。All sorts of rumors are going around.
- 儘管一再否認,謠言還是不脛而走。Despite persistent denials, the rumor continued to spread.
- 那謠言在公司里慢慢流傳開來。The rumour percolated through the firm.