ballad; hearsay; rumor中文解釋:
謠 (謡) yáo 大眾編的反映生活的歌:民謠。歌謠。童謠。 憑空捏造的不可信...>>查看“謠”在國語字典中的解釋
- 謠傳近期雞蛋要漲價。A rumor went forth that the price of eggs would be raised soon.
- 這謠傳我真聽膩了。I'm rather bored by the rumor.
- 他為謠言所困擾。He was disturbed about the rumor.
- 他不安的神色引發了謠傳說他與警方發生了某些糾葛。His upset looking gave rise to rumors that he had got in trouble with police.
- 那條謠言毫無根據。The rumor was without foundation.
- 他們在辟謠方面反應迅速。They've been very swift to deny these rumors.
- 各種謠言正四處流傳。All sorts of rumors are going around.
- 儘管一再否認,謠言還是不脛而走。Despite persistent denials, the rumor continued to spread.