n. 報告, 報導, 傳說, 案情報告, 爆炸聲, 成績單
vt. 報告, 匯報, 轉述, 報導, 揭發, 使報到
vi. 報告, 寫報導, 報到
【計】 報告
【醫】 報告, 匯報
【經】 據報導報告; 報告書
Report has it that...
The report goes that...
of good report
of evil report
動詞過去式:reported 過去分詞:reported 現在分詞:reporting 第三人稱單數:reports 形容詞:reportable詞意辨析:
account, report
這兩個名詞的有“報導,敘述”之意。account: 普通用詞,不如report正式,側重對親身經歷或目睹之事所作的書面或口頭的報導或敘述。
report: 正式用詞,多指報刊上的報導,強調對情況經過調查或審核後作出的詳盡敘述,具有一定權威性。
address, speech, lecture, oration, report, talk
這些名詞均含“演講,講話,報告”之意。address: 正式用詞,指在莊嚴隆重的場合作精心準備的演講或正式演說。
speech: 普通用詞,指一般的發言或講話,可以是事先準備的,也可以是即席的。
lecture: 側重帶學術性的演講。
oration: 常指在特殊場合,辭藻華麗,形式莊重,旨在激發聽眾感情的正式演說。
report: 一般是指下級給上級或負責人給委託機關的書面或口頭報告。
talk: 常用詞,強調非正式講話,講話方式一般較為自由。
名詞 report:
- a written document describing the findings of some individual or group同義詞:study, written report
- a short account of the news同義詞:news report, story, account, write up
- the act of informing by verbal report同義詞:account
- a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing)
- a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment同義詞:report card
- an essay (especially one written as an assignment)同義詞:composition, paper, theme
- the general estimation that the public has for a person同義詞:reputation
動詞 report:
- to give an account or representation of in words同義詞:describe, account
- announce as the result of an investigation, or announce something to the proper authorities
- announce one's presence
- make known to the authorities
- be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism同義詞:cover
- complain about; make a charge against
- The poll reported Labour to be leading.民意測驗顯示工黨領先。
- You should have reported them to the police.你應當向警方控告他們的。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads.他正在看一篇關於道路狀況的報告。
- The press in China widely reported the event.中國報界廣泛報導了此事。