拼音:qì jīn英文翻譯
heretofore; hereunto; hitherto; up to now【法】 thus far
1.tillnow 2.thusfar 3.hereunto 4.heretofore 5.hitherto 6.yet 7.byfar 8.tonow 9.uptonow例句:
- 癌症迄今有無有效的治療方法?Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?
- 迄今為止,我從未聽說過有人因生活費過昂而不要生存下去的。So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants stop living on account of the cost.
- 英國政府對這些報導迄今不予置評。Downing Street has so far refused to comment on these reports.
- 科學家們正在作一項迄今為止沒人做過的實驗。The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted.