拼音:qì jīn wéi zhǐ英文翻譯
so far相關詞條:
- 迄今為止,我從未聽說過有人因生活費過昂而不要生存下去的。So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants stop living on account of the cost.
- 我下決心試試小說寫作,不過迄今為止還沒開始。I am resolved to try story-writing but so far have not made a start.
- 科學家們正在作一項迄今為止沒人做過的實驗。The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted.
- 這是迄今為止我經歷的最熱的一天。It's the hottest day I've had so far.