拼音:zǐ xì 英文解釋:
(1) ∶當心;細心路很滑,仔細點兒(2) 〈方〉∶節儉的;不浪費的日子過得仔... >>
查看“仔細”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 事後仔細分析那項計畫以便搞清它失敗的原因
Dissected the plan afterward to learn why it had failed
- 我們開始把種子過一遍,進行仔細的挑選。
We began going over our seed to make a careful selection.
- 天文學值得仔細研究。
Astronomy is worthy of study carefully.
- 仔細考慮;思考
To deliberate on; consider.
- 他需要時間來仔細考慮一下那件事。
He needs some time to think the matter out.
- 她仔細觀察了他們動作的每個細節。
She carefully observed every detail of their actions.
- 他仔細考慮後決定不去了。
He thought it over, and decided not to go.
- 精讀研究、探究或仔細檢查
To study, peruse, or examine carefully.