young; young animal中文解釋:
仔 zī 〔仔肩〕所擔負的職務。 仔 zǐ 〔仔細〕周密,細緻,如“辦事仔...>>查看“仔”在國語字典中的解釋
- 偵探接受訓練對人與事物進行仔細觀察。A detective is trained to take note of people and things.
- 他仔細查閱報紙, 尋找招工廣告。He canvassed the papers, hunting for notices of jobs.
- 我把那條藍色的新牛仔褲放到熱水裡洗,結果掉色了。I put my new blue jeans in a hot wash and the color ran.
- 我仔細查看自己浮腫的眼袋。I examined the puffy skin under my eyes.
- 我要是就此主題作報告的話我必須仔細研讀這個題目。I shall have to read up on the subject if I am to give a talk about it
- 你最好先仔細調查了解一下,然後再決定購買哪部車。You’d better look around before deciding which are to purchase.
- 幻兒,仔獸剛斷奶的幼兒,離乳仔畜A newly weaned child or young animal
- 鰻鱺胚胎和早期仔魚的耗氧量Oxygen consumption of embryo and early larva of eel (\%Anguilla japonica\%)