字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>仔細的的英文翻譯


拼音:zī xì de


careful; elaborative; frugal


  1. 請坐,讓我們好好仔細的談談。
    Take a seat. We can go into details later.
  2. 一個穿衣仔細的
    A careful dresser
  3. 這本書應根據一項仔細的計畫來寫。
    The book should be written to a careful plan
  4. 對 作仔細的觀測
    make a careful observation of
  5. 在使用資源上面是仔細的和勤勉的。
    careful and diligent in the use of resources.
  6. 我關於語義學的一些想法需要更仔細的研究。
    My ideas on semantics needed more careful exploration.
  7. 對 ... 作仔細的測量
    make a careful survey of ...
  8. 在這樣做之前,我們要仔細的權衡利弊。
    Before doing it, we must weigh the pros and cons very carefully.
