拼音:yì jiàn英文翻譯
opinion; idea; mind; objection; submission; suggestion; theory; view【經】 complaint; opinion
1.utterance 2.idea 3.judgement 4.notion 5.sentiment 6.mind 7.sentence 8.conceit 9.attitudetoward 10.sbagreewithsb 11.advice 12.mentium 13.sight 14.submission 15.Suggestions 16.deliverance例句:
- 在一些問題上,他仍然保留自己的意見。He still reserved his opinion on some points.
- 他們的意見分歧很大。They differ widely in their opinions.
- 他的意見沒多少影響。His opinion doesn't carry much weight.
- 你決不要受別人意見的支配。You must not be governed by the opinions of others.
- 在會上,我們就此事交換了意見。We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting.
- 這個編輯常對一些時事問題發表意見。The editor often gives some opinion on topical issues.
- 整個班級意見有分歧。The class is divided in opinion.
- 我徵求這位老師的意見。I asked the teacher for her advice.