拼音:wěi qū英文解釋:
feel wronged; put sb. to great inconvenience【法】 grievance
(1) ∶受到不公平的待遇,心裡難過他辛辛苦苦工作了半天還受埋怨,覺著很委屈(2... >>查看“委屈”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.grievance 2.complaint 3.chagrin例句:
- 我工作時間是別人的兩倍,可拿的錢卻比誰都少,我感到十分委屈。I felt very hard done by when I got less money than anybody else, and I'd worked twice as long.
- 她投訴說她受到委屈。She complained of the wrongs she had suffered.
- 她覺得(自己)有點委屈。She feels (she's been) rather hard done by.
- 聚集了一些錢財;許多聚集起來的委屈。had some money saved up; many stored-up grievances.
- 這樣的事對一個9 歲的小男孩來說是覺得挺委屈的。It was really frightening for a 9-year-old boy to confront a grownup
- 這樣的事對一個9 歲的小男孩來說是覺得挺委屈的。It was really frightening for a 9-year-old boy to confront a grownup.
- 以忍耐的態度對待委屈或困難。patiently enduring continual wrongs or trouble.
- 表達委屈不滿不快或不幸。express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness.