拼音:wěi pài英文解釋:
appoint; delegate【法】 delegation; deputation
(1).委託安排。《兒女英雄傳》第十一回:“這個斷不敢領,一則呢,是 十三妹 姑... >>查看“委派”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.toappoint 2.assignment 3.tobeaccredited中英例句:
- 由於我們的請求,又委派了一位新的領導。A new chief was appointed at our request.
- 他被委派填補那空缺。He was appointed to the vacant post.
- 她被委派負責核對銷售數額的工作。She is assigned the job of checking the sale figures.
- 我們必須立即委派一名新教師到那山村國小去。We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school
- 李鴻章被委派向帝國主義求和。Li Hongzhang was appointed to approach the imperialists and sue for peace.
- 委派了一個安全人員檢查門窗。A security man was put in to check on doors and windows.
- 被委派考慮某些事情的特殊團體。a special group delegated to consider some matter.
- 委派,派出委任一駐外國政府的大使To appoint as an ambassador to a foreign government