拼音:tuī duàn英文解釋:
conclude; deduce; extrapolate; infer【法】 conclude; consequence; construe; deduce; implicate; implication
inference; praesumptio; reckon
(1) ∶根據事實或前提推論我們看到煙就推斷有火(2) ∶判斷推斷國家命運 >>查看“推斷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.infer 2.drawtheconclusion 3.deducefrom 4.inference 5.forejudge 6.extrapolate 7.make...of 8.presume 9.assertion 10.deduction 11.sequitur 12.suss 13.extrapolation 14.gather例句:
- 從一間屋子的量度可以推斷出整座建築物的大小。One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
- 推斷出的明顯結論是她有罪。It's an obvious deduction that she is guilty.
- 從這個事實我們可推斷他生病的事。From this fact we may deduce that he is sick.
- 直覺對不明顯或不可推斷的事物的感覺;印象A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.
- 如果他有罪,可以推斷出她也有罪。If he is guilty, then by inference so is she.