拼音:tuī cè英文翻譯
confer; conjecture; guess; presume; speculate; surmise【計】 conjecture
【經】 guess work
1.byguess 2.theory 3.presumption 4.presume 5.supposition 6.supposal 7.speculateon 8.shot 9.ataguess 10.guesswork 11.extrapolation 12.extrapolate 13.foresight 14.guestimate 15.projection 16.suss例句:
- 是什麽促使你推測出這樣的結論?What made you conjecture that?
- 推測結果是競選可能會失敗。The presumable result is an election defeat.
- 將軍推測說敵人將於今天晚上突襲我們。The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night.
- 他的結論完全是推測而來的。His conclusions are purely speculative.