字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>切面的英文翻譯 “切面”的日文翻譯


拼音:qiē miàn


【醫】 cross-section; cut; sectio; section; sectiones


(1) ∶切成的麵條(2) ∶剖面(3) ∶指一個方向(如器官的)切開,以便顯示... >>查看“切面”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 有一個尖頭和兩個切面的一種鑽頭。
    a bit with a sharp center point for guidance and two side cutters
  2. 他在大理石上留下一個光滑的切面
    He made a smooth cut on the marble
  3. 一種木製的板,我們可以在上面揉面,也可以切面包。
    a wooden board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced
  4. 你用刀切面包。
    You use a knife to cut bread
  5. 他在大理石上留下一個光滑的切面
    He made a smooth cut on the marble.
  6. 一種木製的板,我們可以在上面揉面,也可以切面包。
    a wooden board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced.
  7. 這個房間的確切面積是多少?
    What is the exact size of the room
  8. 他在用刀切面包。
    He is sawing the bread with a knife
