anxious; be sure to; chip; chop; correspond to; cut; eager; knife; log; shearshive; slice
【醫】 cutting; incise
切 qiē 用刀從上往下用力:切菜。切除。切磋(本義是把骨角玉石加工製成器物,...>>查看“切”在國語字典中的解釋
- 腰槽為連線另一部分而在木料上切入的切口或榫眼A notch or mortise cut into a board to receive another part
- YF45V(CaS)鋼切削加工性及易切機理Machinability of Micro-Alloyed Free-Cutting Steel YF45V(CaS)
- 友好的,和藹可親的有開朗的或友好的性情或舉止的;熱誠的並且親切的Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner; cordial and kindly
- 咱們應該把一切都安排妥當了再走。Ing square before we leave.
- 現在看來,這一切都能夠成為現實。Now, it appears, it can.
- 熱切希望有噼啪作響的木頭的火堆;把報紙折得嘩嘩響。longed for a big fire with snapping logs; folding a crackling newspaper
- 這邊緣必須切割到0.02毫米的精確度。The edge must be machined down to 0.02 millimetres.
- 這位競賽者決心不顧一切危險, 贏得這場500英里的車賽。The racer meant to win the 500-mile race at all hazards.