拼音:qiān lián 英文解釋:
embroil; implicate; involve; tie up with中文解釋:
(1) ∶關聯他與這筆買賣有牽連(2) ∶連線;聯繫南北的居民保持著一線牽連(3... >>
查看“牽連”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
involvement 2.
implication 3.
entaglement 4.
embroil 5.
involve 6.
beimplicatedin 7.
incriminate 8.
entanglemant 9.
implicate 例句:
- 最近有訊息披露:又有一名高級官員與這個陰謀有牽連。
It has recently come to light that a second official was implicated in the conspiracy.
- 這個盜竊犯在供詞中牽連了另外兩個協助他偷竊的人。
In his confession the thief incriminated two others who helped him steal.
- 請別把我拉入這場爭吵中--我可不想牽連進去。
Leave me out of this quarrel, please I don't want to get involved.
- 因受一系列武裝搶劫銀行案的牽連,他被捕了。
He was arrested in connection with a series of armed bank robberies.
- 我不想與任何非法組織有牽連。
I don't want to get mixed up with any illegal organization.
- 互相牽連
be implicative of each other
- 這些條件似乎總是互相牽連。
Such conditions always seem to go together.
- 他變成興飛車黨有牽連。
He got involved with a motorcycle gang