拼音:páng qiāo cè jī 英文解釋:
beat about the bush; make oblique references中文解釋:
從旁邊或側面敲擊。比喻說話、寫文章不正麵點破,而是故意繞彎子,隱晦曲折地說 只不... >>
查看“旁敲側擊”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 轉彎抹角,旁敲側擊不能直接切入主題
To fail to confront a subject directly
- 我對他人旁敲側擊地說我只對金錢感興趣十分反感。
I deeply resent the insinuation that I’m only interested in the money.
- 她旁敲側擊地指出她的合伙人盜用了資金。
She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds.
- 她旁敲側擊地指出她的合夥人盜用了資金。
She insinuate to us that her partner have embezzle fund.
- 這篇文章對教師進行了旁敲側擊的批評。
The article takes a side swipe at the teachers