拼音:páng bái 英文解釋:
戲劇角色背著台上其他劇中人對觀眾說的話。也指影視片中的解說詞 >>
查看“旁白”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
voice-over 2.
tospeakaside 相關對話:
- 旁白:在英國,軍隊返回家園並進行大選。
NARRATOR: In Britain, the troops were coming home to a general election
- 旁白:溫州是一座歷史悠久的沿海城市。
Wenzhou is a coastal city with a long history
- 旁白:鴿子窩被稱作是觀賞日出的勝地之一。
Geziwo is regarded as one of the vantage points to see a sunrise
- 旁白:至此,人類開始成為自己的掘墓人。
Narrator: “Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.
- 戲劇中旁白的老套
The theatrical convention of the aside.
- 旁白:經過世界大戰,凱恩斯理論變成了政府政策。
NARRATOR: It took a world war for Keynesianism to become government policy
- 旁白:在英國,軍隊返回家園並進行大選。
NARRATOR: In Britain, the troops were coming home to a general election.
- 旁白:山東省是黃河流經的最後一個省份。
Shandong is the last of the provinces the Yellow River flows through.