peep; spy中文解釋:
窺 (窺) kuī 從小孔、縫隙或隱蔽處偷看:窺探。窺伺。窺測。窺視。管窺蠡測...>>查看“窺”在國語字典中的解釋
- 窺孔一個人們可以用來偷窺的小孔或裂縫A small hole or crevice through which one may peep.
- 我會在樓上自己的房間透過窗簾窺視的。I shall be upstairs in my room peeping through curtain.
- 他用了半天的時間偷偷地從窗簾後面窺視鄰居。He spends half his day peeping at his neighbors from behind his curtains.
- 我們向商店裡窺視,看是否有營業員在周圍。We peered into the back of the shop to see whether a salesman was around.
- 窺探到網上的一些漏洞。Spot some weakness on the Web.
- 400米跨欄跑的技術訓練及欄間節奏管窺Technical Training of 400m Hurdle Race and the Rhythm Among Hurdles
- 這個山洞的奧秘還沒有被人窺見過。This cave has not yet yielded up its secret to the eyes of man.
- 他發現一個行跡可疑的人向屋內窺視。He spotted a suspicious character peeping into the house