拼音:kuī shì 英文解釋:
look into; peek; peep; peer
暗中觀察;偷看我們從橋樑上窺視混濁的流水 >>
查看“窺視”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
haveapeepat 2.
peep 3.
snoop 4.
takeapeepat 5.
peepat 6.
spyon 例句:
- 我會在樓上自己的房間透過窗簾窺視的。
I shall be upstairs in my room peeping through curtain.
- 她窺視他的眼睛,發覺他的眼光冷酷無情。
She looked into his eyes and found them stony.
- 禁止窺視!
No peeking!
- 他從圍欄的縫隙窺視
He peeped through a chink in the fence
- 他發現一個行跡可疑的人向屋內窺視。
He spotted a suspicious character peeping into the house
- 窺視儒家的宗教思想
Taking a Glance at the Religious Aspect of Confucian Thought
- 男孩從鑰匙孔里窺視,看裡面發生什麽情況。
The boy peeped through the keyhole to see what was going on inside.
- 透過此孔,你可以窺視某物(比如說門上或烤箱等上邊的孔)。
a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which you can peep.