拼音:kuī jiàn英文解釋:
peek; peep at; spy on中文解釋:
暗中看出或覺察到從一個人的生活作風可以窺見他的思想意識 >>查看“窺見”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 這些山洞的奧秘還沒有被人窺見過。These caves have not yet yielded up their secrets to the eyes of man.
- 我窺見到他的真實感情。I had a glimpse of his true feelings.
- 窺見一斑see segment of a whole
- 我窺見到他的真實感情。I had a glimpse of his true feelings
- 首次窺見到東方人的生活get the first glimpse of Oriental life
- 這個山洞的奧秘還沒有被人窺見過。This cave has not yet yielded up its secret to the eyes of man.