拼音:jì jìng de英文解釋:
noiseless; quiescent; quiet; silent; still【醫】 still
1.hushful 2.quiet 3.silent 4.stilly漢語造句:
- 在寂靜的林間水潭進行愜意的裸泳,真是回到了大自然的懷抱。A nice skinny dip in a quiet glade takes you back to nature.
- 這裡是九龍的郊區.你喜歡這寂靜的山谷嗎?Here are the outskirts/suburbs of Kowloon.Do you like this sleepy valley?
- 在寂靜的深夜in the still of the night
- 白天風暴過後的寂靜的夜晚A still night after a stormy day
- 還是想凝視那寂靜的高速公路Or contemplate a silent freeway
- 寂靜的村莊a sleepy village
- 寂靜的房子;草地上無聲的腳步;寂靜的夜晚。a silent house; soundless footsteps on the grass; the night was still
- “歌手打破了寂靜的海岸”——一個醒目的大標題!“Singer breaks shores of silence,” screamed the headline.