拼音:chén jìng de英文解釋:
calm; quiet; still相關詞條:
- 我的引導者呵,領導著我在光明逝去之前,進到沉靜的山谷里去吧。在那裡,一生的收穫將會成熟為黃金的智慧。Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom.
- 在沉靜的林苑中,我常去傾聽萬籟俱寂。In the quiet grove I often go to listen when all is silent.
- 徒然迴響在沉靜的天井中。And echoed in the wells of silence.
- "火葬灰中的紅光在沉靜的河邊慢慢地熄滅下去。"The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river
- 沉靜的神色a serene look
- "火葬灰中的紅光在沉靜的河邊慢慢地熄滅下去。"The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river.