拼音:jì mò de 英文解釋:
doleful; lone; lonely; lonesome; recluse相關詞條:
lonely 2.
lorn 3.
solitary 4.
winterly 5.
dolesome 6.
disconsolate 中英例句:
- 道路雖然擁擠,卻是寂寞的,因為它是不被愛的。
The road is lonely in its crowd for it is not loved.
- 他在家裡度過了一個寂寞的夜晚。
He spent a lonesome evening at home.
- 他是個不甘寂寞的人,常想招人注目。
He is not a very quiet man and always wants to be to the fore.
- 有誰能告訴我,我不是寂寞的.
Who can tell me I am not alone.
- 大概本是屬於寂寞的吧?
Should I belong to loneliness as it is?
- 我們在宇宙里是寂寞的嗎,有沒有外星人?
Are We Alone in the Universe?
- 寂寞的河流入大海,
Lonely rivers flow to the sea,
- 012因為一個人寂寞的時候只有你陪著我。
Because only you accompany me when I am lonely.