拼音:fēn luàn英文解釋:
imbroglio; intricacy; numerous and disorderly中文解釋:
雜亂,混雜紛亂的事情 >>查看“紛亂”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.intricacy 2.mess 3.ravelment 4.tangle 5.outofframe漢語造句:
- 示威集會在紛亂中解散了。The demonstration broke up in tumult.
- 示威集會在紛亂中解散了.The demonstration broke up in tumult
- 紛亂的政府條例A maze of government regulations
- 又擔心又期望的紛亂心情A twitter of suspense and anticipation
- 思緒紛亂a confused state of mind;a confused train of thought
- 紛亂的政府條例A maze of government regulations.