拼音:fēn yún 英文解釋:
diverse and confused
(1) (2) 眾多而雜亂眾說紛紜彼此錯雜,紛紜拿斗,敵槍終不能發。&mdas... >>
查看“紛紜”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 什麼年齡結婚最合適是一個眾說紛紜的問題。
The best age for marriage is a vexed question
- 眾說紛紜, 莫衷一是。
As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.
- 聚訟紛紜
a confused scene of people arguing among themselves
- 有關這些史跡的考證,學術界仍是眾說紛紜,莫衷一是。
The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion
- 莫斯科謠言漫布,眾說紛紜,一如既往。
As ever, Moscow is full of gossip and rumours about the answers.
- 對於“蒲安臣條約”的評價,歷來眾說紛紜。
The comments on Burlingame Treaty are always contradicted.
- 如何妥善處理這一問題,專家眾說紛紜。
The pundit disagree on the best way of dealing with the problem.