拼音:fēn zhēng英文解釋:
dispute; wrangle【法】 dissension
(1) ∶爭執(2) ∶憤怒的、厲害的、吵鬧的或長時間的爭論或吵架 >>查看“紛爭”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.odds 2.dispeace 3.difference 4.affray 5.hurrah中英例句:
- 已經請了史密斯先生來仲裁僱主與工人之間的紛爭。Mr.Smith has been asked to arbitrate between the employers and their workers.
- 不斷起伏日常紛爭.The constant ups and downs of daily strife.
- 情人間的紛爭是愛情的更新。The falling out lovers is the renewing of love.
- 我以強力解決他們的紛爭。To put an end to their dispute I appealed to force.
- 吵架,紛爭A quarrel or conflict.
- 他們以友好的方式解決了紛爭。They settled their quarrel in a friendly way