拼音:běn jiā 英文解釋:
a member of the same clan
(1) ∶同宗族的人(2) ∶俗稱已嫁女兒的娘家為本家(3) ∶妓院老闆 >>
查看“本家”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 所謂善良的資本家是沒有的。
There is no such thing as a good capitalist
- 這就是說,他們也是受資本家剝削的。
That is to say, they, too, are exploited by the capitalists.
- 屬於或關於資本主義、資本家的。
of or relating to capitalism or capitalists.
- 資本家靠榨取工人創造的剩餘價值而致富。
Capitalists batten on the surplus value created by workers.
- 資產階級一組或一階層的資本家的總稱
Capitalists considered as a group or class.
- 壟斷資本家們串通一氣抬高棉花價格。
The monopoly capitalists ganged up to raise cotton prices.
- 那時候,只有地主和資本家過著優裕的生活。
Only the landlords and capitalists lived a life of ease then
- 資本家泰勒對他的大部分雇員經常故意裝得態度謙遜,企圖贏得他們的好感。
Taylor , the capitalist, used to play down to most of his employees.