拼音:běn lì 英文解釋:
【經】 principal and interest中文解釋:
本金和利息還清本利 >>
查看“本利”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 這是符合中日兩國人民根本利益的。
I think this serves the fundamental interests of both China and Japan.
- 日本利用ETS─V衛星支援導航
Japan's ETS─V Satellite Support Navigation
- 本利之和貸款的本金加利息
A principal plus its interest, as in a loan
- 如果銀行基本利率上升,國債的價格就下跌。
As bank base rates rise, the price of gilts falls.
- 我們的幹部必須代表無產階級的根本利益。
Our cadres must represent the basic interests of the working class.
- 危害國家的根本利益
jeopardize the fundamental interests of the state
- 成本利潤率價格
price based on rate of cost-profit
- 資本利潤率
Rate of return on capital