拼音:běn mò 英文解釋:
ins and outs
(1) ∶樹木的根和梢,比喻事物的根源和結局,原委物有本末,事有終始。&mdas... >>
查看“本末”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 詳述本末
tell the whole story from beginning to end
- 你本末倒置了。
You put the cart before a horse
- 先教寫,再教讀,那是本末倒置了。
To teach writing before reading is to put the cart before the horse.
- 你因為本末倒置才出了麻煩!
Your trouble is you have got your priorities back to front !
- 不妨說,你們本末倒置了。
In a manner of speaking, you are putting the cart before the horse
- 不妨說,你們本末倒置了。
In a manner of speaking, you are putting the cart before the horse.