a. 可疑的, 疑心的, 不明確的
【法】 懷疑的, 有疑問的, 未確的
副詞:doubtfully 名詞:doubt-fulness詞意辨析:
questionable, doubtful, ambiguous, uncertain這些形容詞均含“懷疑的,不確定的”之意。
questionable: 通常指懷疑某行為是否恰當,或指有根有據的懷疑。
doubtful: 指對某個問題持積極懷疑的,有疑問的態度,強調缺乏確信。
ambiguous: 指因缺乏明確感或因為有各種不同的解釋而值得懷疑。
uncertain: 多指因缺乏證據或了解而捉摸不定,也指因不能預料而不能作出選擇。英文解釋:
形容詞 doubtful:
- open to doubt or suspicion- Karen Horney同義詞:dubious, dubitable, in question
- fraught with uncertainty or doubt同義詞:dubious
- unsettled in mind or opinion同義詞:tentative
- The ethics of his decision are doubtful.
- It is doubtful whether he can read my fortune or not.他能否算出我的運氣還是個疑問。
- I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request.我懷疑答應這項要求是否合適。
- A doubtful claim; doubtful prospects.令人懷疑的索賠案; 令人可疑的前景
- Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.因為長時間的乾旱,農民們對於好收成的前景是懷疑的。
adj.(形容詞)Subject to or causing doubt:可疑的,令人懷疑的:例句:a doubtful claim; doubtful prospects.令人懷疑的索賠案;令人可疑的前景
Experiencing or showing doubt:疑惑的,懷疑的:例句:Doubtful that the cord would hold, we strengthened it.繩索恐怕不能支撐,讓我們使它堅固一點
Of uncertain outcome; undecided.不能確定的:未決的;未定的Raising doubts as to legitimacy, honesty, or respectability; suspicious:令人質疑的:合法性、誠實性或名聲有問題的;不可靠的:例句:the candidate`s doubtful past.See Usage Note at doubt 這位候選人過去名聲令人質疑參見 doubt
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>doubtful,dubious,questionable同義詞>These adjectives express a degree of uncertainty or reservation about someone or something.這些形容詞都表示不確定的程度或對某人、某事的異議。 Doubtful suggests pronounced lack of certainty: Doubtful 表示明顯的不確定性: 例句:It is doubtful whether she will be admitted to graduate school.她能否考上研究生很可疑。
例句:He is an author of doubtful reputation.他是一位名聲不太好的作家。
Dubious expresses uncertainty less directly and less forcefully;often it suggests hesitancy, suspicion, or mistrust: Dubious 表示的不確定性不那么直接和不那么強,通常它含有猶豫不決、猜疑、不信任的意思: 例句:dubious about agreeing to go;遲疑不決到底同意還是不同意去;
例句:a painting of dubious value.價值沒法斷定的畫。
Questionable can mean merely open to question ( Questionable 意思是.值得疑問的.:( 例句:Whether this is true is questionable); often, however, it implies dubious morality, respectability, or propriety: 這是不是真的倒成問題); 然而,它通常暗指道德、名聲或行為等的有問題:
例句:questionable dealings;不正派的行為;
例句:a questionable stockbroker. 不正當的股票經紀人
questionable: 通常指懷疑某行為是否恰當,或指有根有據的懷疑。
doubtful: 指對某個問題持積極懷疑的,有疑問的態度,強調缺乏確信。
ambiguous: 指因缺乏明確感或因為有各種不同的解釋而值得懷疑。
uncertain: 多指因缺乏證據或了解而捉摸不定,也指因不能預料而不能作出選擇。
形容詞 doubtful:
- open to doubt or suspicion- Karen Horney同義詞:dubious, dubitable, in question
- fraught with uncertainty or doubt同義詞:dubious
- unsettled in mind or opinion同義詞:tentative
- The ethics of his decision are doubtful.
- It is doubtful whether he can read my fortune or not.他能否算出我的運氣還是個疑問。
- I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request.我懷疑答應這項要求是否合適。
- A doubtful claim; doubtful prospects.令人懷疑的索賠案; 令人可疑的前景
- Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.因為長時間的乾旱,農民們對於好收成的前景是懷疑的。
adj.(形容詞)Subject to or causing doubt:可疑的,令人懷疑的:例句:a doubtful claim; doubtful prospects.令人懷疑的索賠案;令人可疑的前景
Experiencing or showing doubt:疑惑的,懷疑的:例句:Doubtful that the cord would hold, we strengthened it.繩索恐怕不能支撐,讓我們使它堅固一點
Of uncertain outcome; undecided.不能確定的:未決的;未定的Raising doubts as to legitimacy, honesty, or respectability; suspicious:令人質疑的:合法性、誠實性或名聲有問題的;不可靠的:例句:the candidate`s doubtful past.See Usage Note at doubt 這位候選人過去名聲令人質疑參見 doubt
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>doubtful,dubious,questionable同義詞>These adjectives express a degree of uncertainty or reservation about someone or something.這些形容詞都表示不確定的程度或對某人、某事的異議。 Doubtful suggests pronounced lack of certainty: Doubtful 表示明顯的不確定性: 例句:It is doubtful whether she will be admitted to graduate school.她能否考上研究生很可疑。
例句:He is an author of doubtful reputation.他是一位名聲不太好的作家。
Dubious expresses uncertainty less directly and less forcefully;often it suggests hesitancy, suspicion, or mistrust: Dubious 表示的不確定性不那么直接和不那么強,通常它含有猶豫不決、猜疑、不信任的意思: 例句:dubious about agreeing to go;遲疑不決到底同意還是不同意去;
例句:a painting of dubious value.價值沒法斷定的畫。
Questionable can mean merely open to question ( Questionable 意思是.值得疑問的.:( 例句:Whether this is true is questionable); often, however, it implies dubious morality, respectability, or propriety: 這是不是真的倒成問題); 然而,它通常暗指道德、名聲或行為等的有問題:
例句:questionable dealings;不正派的行為;
例句:a questionable stockbroker. 不正當的股票經紀人

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