音標[k?n'ven??n] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 大會, 協定, 慣例, 約定
【計】 約定
【化】 常規; 慣例
agreement, contract, treaty, convention, bargain, understanding, accord這些名詞均含“協定,協定,契約,契約”之意。
agreement: 普通用詞,含義最確定,泛指個人、團體或國家之間取得一致而達成的任何協定、協定或契約、契約等,可以是口頭的,也可以是書面的。
contract: 側重指雙方或多方訂立的具有法律效力的正式的書面契約或契約。
treaty: 指國家之間經外交談判後依照國際法簽訂的正式條約。
convention: 比treaty更專門化,但不及treaty正式。也可指國家之間就有關事情簽訂的條約。
bargain: 通常指商業交往中的購銷契約。
understanding: 指不具約束力的非正式的協定。
accord: 多指國際間的非正式協定。conference, congress, assembly, meeting, rally, council, session, convention, gathering這些名詞均含有“會,會議”之意。
conference: 正式用詞,一般指大型會議,如政府工作會議、國際學術交流會議、各國之間的協商、會談等。
congress: 指國會、議會、代表大會等機構,尤指經選舉產生的國家立法機構的大會或由這些機構召開的大會,也可指專業人員代表大會。
assembly: 多指一個通常有許多人參加、計畫好的,為某一特殊目的而召集的會議。
meeting: 普通用詞,詞義廣泛。指一般性的會議,可用於任何場合。
rally: 指大規模的民眾性政治集會。
council: 在國際上多指由各國代表參加的政治會議,或常設的政治機構。在國內、地方上,此詞多指常設的政務領導機構,如市政委員會等。
session: 一般指議會等召開的正式會議。
convention: 側重指某一政黨或團體為某一特殊目的而召開的會議;也可指學術團體的年會。
gathering: 指兩人以上的聚會或集會,強調非正式性。habit, practice, custom, convention這組名詞一般含義為“習慣”。
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 convention:
- a large formal assembly
- something regarded as a normative example同義詞:normal, pattern, rule, formula
- (diplomacy) an international agreement
- orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional同義詞:conventionality, conventionalism
- the act of convening同義詞:convening
- We are scornful of the forces of convention.
- She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.她由於向黨代表大會做了有力的演說而挽回了自己的聲譽。
- Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer.
- The convention looms as political battle.這場大會將是一場政治角斗。
n.Abbr. conv.(名詞)縮寫 conv.
A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.會議:某一政黨、兄弟會、行業或工業的成員,代表或代表團員出席的正式會議The body of persons attending such an assembly:全體與會者:參加這種集會的全體人員:例句:called the convention to order.宣布開會
An agreement between states, sides, or military forces, especially an international agreement dealing with a specific subject, such as the treatment of prisoners of war.國際公約:國家、派別或軍事力量之間的契約,尤指關於某一特定問題的國際公約,如戰俘待遇General agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes:慣例,習俗:對某種慣常做法或態度的一致同意或接受認可:例句:By convention, north is at the top of most maps.依照慣例,北方位於大多數地圖的頂端
A practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom:規矩,習俗:一個團體中普遍遵循的慣常做法或程式,尤指有助於社會交往的;風俗:例句:the convention of shaking hands.握手的習俗
A widely used and accepted device or technique, as in drama, literature, or painting:傳統手法:被廣泛使用並接受的手法或技巧,如在戲劇、文學或繪畫中:例句:the theatrical convention of the aside.戲劇中旁白的老套
來源:Middle English convencioun 中古英文 convencioun from Latin conventiô conventiôn- [meeting] 源自 拉丁語 conventiô conventiôn- [會議] from conventus [past participle of] convenore [to assemble] * see convene 源自 conventus [] convenore的過去分詞 [集合] *參見 convene
agreement: 普通用詞,含義最確定,泛指個人、團體或國家之間取得一致而達成的任何協定、協定或契約、契約等,可以是口頭的,也可以是書面的。
contract: 側重指雙方或多方訂立的具有法律效力的正式的書面契約或契約。
treaty: 指國家之間經外交談判後依照國際法簽訂的正式條約。
convention: 比treaty更專門化,但不及treaty正式。也可指國家之間就有關事情簽訂的條約。
bargain: 通常指商業交往中的購銷契約。
understanding: 指不具約束力的非正式的協定。
accord: 多指國際間的非正式協定。
conference, congress, assembly, meeting, rally, council, session, convention, gathering這些名詞均含有“會,會議”之意。
conference: 正式用詞,一般指大型會議,如政府工作會議、國際學術交流會議、各國之間的協商、會談等。
congress: 指國會、議會、代表大會等機構,尤指經選舉產生的國家立法機構的大會或由這些機構召開的大會,也可指專業人員代表大會。
assembly: 多指一個通常有許多人參加、計畫好的,為某一特殊目的而召集的會議。
meeting: 普通用詞,詞義廣泛。指一般性的會議,可用於任何場合。
rally: 指大規模的民眾性政治集會。
council: 在國際上多指由各國代表參加的政治會議,或常設的政治機構。在國內、地方上,此詞多指常設的政務領導機構,如市政委員會等。
session: 一般指議會等召開的正式會議。
convention: 側重指某一政黨或團體為某一特殊目的而召開的會議;也可指學術團體的年會。
gathering: 指兩人以上的聚會或集會,強調非正式性。habit, practice, custom, convention這組名詞一般含義為“習慣”。
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 convention:
- a large formal assembly
- something regarded as a normative example同義詞:normal, pattern, rule, formula
- (diplomacy) an international agreement
- orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional同義詞:conventionality, conventionalism
- the act of convening同義詞:convening
- We are scornful of the forces of convention.
- She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.她由於向黨代表大會做了有力的演說而挽回了自己的聲譽。
- Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer.
- The convention looms as political battle.這場大會將是一場政治角斗。
n.Abbr. conv.(名詞)縮寫 conv.
A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.會議:某一政黨、兄弟會、行業或工業的成員,代表或代表團員出席的正式會議The body of persons attending such an assembly:全體與會者:參加這種集會的全體人員:例句:called the convention to order.宣布開會
An agreement between states, sides, or military forces, especially an international agreement dealing with a specific subject, such as the treatment of prisoners of war.國際公約:國家、派別或軍事力量之間的契約,尤指關於某一特定問題的國際公約,如戰俘待遇General agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes:慣例,習俗:對某種慣常做法或態度的一致同意或接受認可:例句:By convention, north is at the top of most maps.依照慣例,北方位於大多數地圖的頂端
A practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom:規矩,習俗:一個團體中普遍遵循的慣常做法或程式,尤指有助於社會交往的;風俗:例句:the convention of shaking hands.握手的習俗
A widely used and accepted device or technique, as in drama, literature, or painting:傳統手法:被廣泛使用並接受的手法或技巧,如在戲劇、文學或繪畫中:例句:the theatrical convention of the aside.戲劇中旁白的老套
來源:Middle English convencioun 中古英文 convencioun from Latin conventiô conventiôn- [meeting] 源自 拉丁語 conventiô conventiôn- [會議] from conventus [past participle of] convenore [to assemble] * see convene 源自 conventus [] convenore的過去分詞 [集合] *參見 convene
conference: 正式用詞,一般指大型會議,如政府工作會議、國際學術交流會議、各國之間的協商、會談等。
congress: 指國會、議會、代表大會等機構,尤指經選舉產生的國家立法機構的大會或由這些機構召開的大會,也可指專業人員代表大會。
assembly: 多指一個通常有許多人參加、計畫好的,為某一特殊目的而召集的會議。
meeting: 普通用詞,詞義廣泛。指一般性的會議,可用於任何場合。
rally: 指大規模的民眾性政治集會。
council: 在國際上多指由各國代表參加的政治會議,或常設的政治機構。在國內、地方上,此詞多指常設的政務領導機構,如市政委員會等。
session: 一般指議會等召開的正式會議。
convention: 側重指某一政黨或團體為某一特殊目的而召開的會議;也可指學術團體的年會。
gathering: 指兩人以上的聚會或集會,強調非正式性。
habit, practice, custom, convention這組名詞一般含義為“習慣”。
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 convention:
- a large formal assembly
- something regarded as a normative example同義詞:normal, pattern, rule, formula
- (diplomacy) an international agreement
- orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional同義詞:conventionality, conventionalism
- the act of convening同義詞:convening
- We are scornful of the forces of convention.
- She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.她由於向黨代表大會做了有力的演說而挽回了自己的聲譽。
- Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer.
- The convention looms as political battle.這場大會將是一場政治角斗。
n.Abbr. conv.(名詞)縮寫 conv.
A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.會議:某一政黨、兄弟會、行業或工業的成員,代表或代表團員出席的正式會議The body of persons attending such an assembly:全體與會者:參加這種集會的全體人員:例句:called the convention to order.宣布開會
An agreement between states, sides, or military forces, especially an international agreement dealing with a specific subject, such as the treatment of prisoners of war.國際公約:國家、派別或軍事力量之間的契約,尤指關於某一特定問題的國際公約,如戰俘待遇General agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes:慣例,習俗:對某種慣常做法或態度的一致同意或接受認可:例句:By convention, north is at the top of most maps.依照慣例,北方位於大多數地圖的頂端
A practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom:規矩,習俗:一個團體中普遍遵循的慣常做法或程式,尤指有助於社會交往的;風俗:例句:the convention of shaking hands.握手的習俗
A widely used and accepted device or technique, as in drama, literature, or painting:傳統手法:被廣泛使用並接受的手法或技巧,如在戲劇、文學或繪畫中:例句:the theatrical convention of the aside.戲劇中旁白的老套
來源:Middle English convencioun 中古英文 convencioun from Latin conventiô conventiôn- [meeting] 源自 拉丁語 conventiô conventiôn- [會議] from conventus [past participle of] convenore [to assemble] * see convene 源自 conventus [] convenore的過去分詞 [集合] *參見 convene
habit: 指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。
- that proved to be my undoing, for i soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.
practice: 既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是一種反覆不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。
- on the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.
在另一方面,一想到用動物油煎馬鈴薯,你便會作嘔。然而在許多北歐國家裡,這是為大家接受的通常習慣。 - she walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.
custom: 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣一層意思:長期而廣泛採用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們共同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。
- don't be a slave to custom.
不要做風俗習慣的奴隸。 - from the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.
convention: 其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾一致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。
- they disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.
名詞 convention:
- a large formal assembly
- something regarded as a normative example同義詞:normal, pattern, rule, formula
- (diplomacy) an international agreement
- orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional同義詞:conventionality, conventionalism
- the act of convening同義詞:convening
- We are scornful of the forces of convention.
- She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.她由於向黨代表大會做了有力的演說而挽回了自己的聲譽。
- Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer.
- The convention looms as political battle.這場大會將是一場政治角斗。
n.Abbr. conv.(名詞)縮寫 conv.
A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.會議:某一政黨、兄弟會、行業或工業的成員,代表或代表團員出席的正式會議The body of persons attending such an assembly:全體與會者:參加這種集會的全體人員:例句:called the convention to order.宣布開會
An agreement between states, sides, or military forces, especially an international agreement dealing with a specific subject, such as the treatment of prisoners of war.國際公約:國家、派別或軍事力量之間的契約,尤指關於某一特定問題的國際公約,如戰俘待遇General agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes:慣例,習俗:對某種慣常做法或態度的一致同意或接受認可:例句:By convention, north is at the top of most maps.依照慣例,北方位於大多數地圖的頂端
A practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom:規矩,習俗:一個團體中普遍遵循的慣常做法或程式,尤指有助於社會交往的;風俗:例句:the convention of shaking hands.握手的習俗
A widely used and accepted device or technique, as in drama, literature, or painting:傳統手法:被廣泛使用並接受的手法或技巧,如在戲劇、文學或繪畫中:例句:the theatrical convention of the aside.戲劇中旁白的老套
來源:Middle English convencioun 中古英文 convencioun from Latin conventiô conventiôn- [meeting] 源自 拉丁語 conventiô conventiôn- [會議] from conventus [past participle of] convenore [to assemble] * see convene 源自 conventus [] convenore的過去分詞 [集合] *參見 convene
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