音標[?'sent] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 贊成
vi. 同意
【經】 答應, 同意, 協定
形容詞:assentive 副詞:assentingly 名詞:assenter 動詞過去式:assented 過去分詞:assented 現在分詞:assenting 第三人稱單數:assents英文解釋:
名詞 assent:
- agreement with a statement or proposal to do something同義詞:acquiescence
動詞 assent:
- to agree or express agreement同義詞:accede, acquiesce
- The new law has received the royal assent.新的法規已得到國王的批准。
- I translated her silence as assent.我認為她沉默不語就是同意了。
- Assent or agreement to join.同意贊成或同意參加
- The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.法官同意允許犯人申辯。
- The chairman assented to the committee's proposals.主席贊成委員會的建議。
v.intr.(不及物動詞)as.sent.ed,,as.sents To agree, as to a proposal; concur.贊成:贊成,如某建議;贊同n.(名詞)Agreement; concurrence:同意;贊同:例句:reached assent on a course of action.就行動進程達成一致意見
Acquiescence; consent:默認;贊同:例句:gave my assent to the plan.我對計畫表示同意
來源:Middle English assenten 中古英文 assenten from Old French assentir 源自 古法文 assentir from Latin assent3ro 源自 拉丁語 assent3ro ad- [ad-] ad- [前綴,表.朝,向.] sentore [to feel] * see sent- sentore [感受] *參見 sent-
【引伸】 或
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>assent,agree,accede,acquiesce,consent,concur,subscribe同義詞>These verbs denote concurrence with another`s views, proposals, or actions.這些動詞都表示贊同別人的觀點,建議或行動。 Assent implies agreement, as with a statement or a proposal, especially when it results from deliberation: Assent 指同意,如一個聲明或建議,尤指有意得到的結果: 例句:They readily assented to our suggestion.他們迅速地同意了我們的建議。
Agree and accede are related in the sense that assent has been reached after discussion or efforts at persuasion,butaccede implies that one person or group has yielded, as to the insistence of the other: Agree .It was not possible to agree to a proposal so extraordinary and unexpected. (William Robertson). accede 兩詞是在經討論或勸說努力後達成協定,這一含義上有關聯, accede 指一個人或一組人由於另一方堅持做了讓步: 例句: .不可能對這么不尋常的,難以預料的一個建議表示同意. (威廉·羅伯遜)。
例句:.In an evil hour this proposal was acceded to. (Mary E. Herbert). .這個建議在這個不幸的時候獲得同意. (瑪麗·E·赫伯特)。
Acquiesce suggests passive assent, often despite reservations, because of inability or unwillingness to oppose: Acquiesce 指被動地同意,通常有保留意見,因為不能夠或不願意反對: 例句:I had to acquiesce in her decision despite my private opinion.我不得不默認她的決定,儘管我有我自己的看法。
Consent implies voluntary acquiescence to the desire or proposal of another: Consent 指自願地默認另一個人的建議或願望: 例句:Her parents refused to consent to her marriage.她的父母親拒絕默許她的婚姻。
Concur refers to agreement with another`s position and may suggest that one has reached the same conclusion independently: Concur 指贊成另一個人的立場並可能含有某人獨立地得出相同結論的意思: 例句:.I concurred with our incumbent in getting up a petition against the Reform Bill. (George Eliot). .我同意我們義不容辭地要組織請願以反對修 * 律. (喬治·愛略特)。
Subscribe indicates hearty consent or approval: Subscribe 指忠心地同意和贊成: 例句:.I am contented to subscribe to the opinion of the best-qualified judge of our time. (Sir Walter Scott). .我很高興地贊同我們時代最優秀法官的意見. (沃爾特·史考特爵士)。
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