拼音:zǒng shì英文翻譯
always; at all time
1.atalltime 2.alway 3.atalltimes 4.semper 5.
forever 例句:
- 你總是隨心所欲而不考慮我們的情感。
You always follow your own inclination instead of thinking of our feelings.
- 我們請她幫忙時,她?em>蓯悄敲床揮押謾?
She is always so disagreeable when we ask her to help.
- 流行歌星總是抱怨他們受到歌迷的包圍。
Pop stars are always moaning about being mobbed by their fans.
- 她行善時總是很慷慨。
She was always very generous in her charity.
- 你怎么總是這樣吹毛求疵?
Why are you always so critical?
- 他並不聰明,但工作總是勤勤懇懇。
He is not bright, but he always works hard.
- 他總是露出憂鬱的表情。
He always shows a doleful expression.
- 她總是親切地和孩子們說話。
She always spoke kindly to the children.
總是的意思 永遠地;無
例外地詳細解釋.總歸是;全都是。 唐 王昌齡 《從軍行》之二:“琵琶起舞換新聲,總是
關山舊別情。” 宋 黃公度 《青玉案》詞:“霜橋月館,水村煙市,總是思君處。” 元 王實甫 《西廂