字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>總公司的英文翻譯


拼音:zǒng gōng sī


head office
【經】 controlling company; controlling corporation; head office; home office
main office


1.registeredoffice  2.aheadoffice  3.centraloffice  4.corporation  5.ho  


  1. 這家公司馬上就要同總公司合併。
    The firm will be incorporated with the parent company.
  2. 我們總公司已經同意給予貴廠需要的一切技術援助。
    Our head office have agree to give your factory any technical aid you need.
  3. 我們總公司可安排您與當地分公司取得聯繫。
    Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area.
  4. 總公司坐落於法國巴黎。
    Fist HPS Company launched in Paris of France.
  5. 該公司決定併入總公司
    The company has decided to amalgamate with the parent firm.
  6. 我們總公司可安排您與當地分公司取得聯繫
    Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area
  7. 按照紐約總公司的命令,我們接受你的建議。
    We agree to your proposal at the ~ of our home office in New York.
  8. 你從總公司得到訊息後立刻告知我們,好嗎?
    A: Please let us know as soon as you hear from your home office?
