拼音:zhuàng jī英文翻譯
bounce; bump; dash against; impact; impinge; prang; ram; strike【電】 bombardment; collision
1.bumpinto 2.givethestem 3.impact 4.impingeon 5.impingeagainst 6.impinge 7.prang 8.strike 9.bump 10.dashagainst 11.brunt 12.knock 13.impaction 14.bounce 15.appulse 16.hammerblow例句:
- 連著雙球的一擊打檯球時的一擊,主球接連撞擊兩球A shot in billiards in which the cue ball successively strikes two other balls.
- 叮噹聲有金屬片相互撞擊而發出的聲音或象由其發出的聲音The sound produced by or as if by bits of metal striking together.
- 震動由於兩物體的撞擊造成的聲音、顫動或震驚The sound, vibration, or shock caused by the striking together of two bodies.
- 波浪撞擊著港口的牆基。Waves dashed against the harbour wall.