拼音:zhī pèi英文解釋:
control; dominate; administrate; allocate; arrange; command; govern; rule【經】 disposition; dominantion; keep in hand
(1) ∶安排;調派時間不夠支配(2) ∶控制;引導受人支配支配某人 >>查看“支配”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.domination 2.masterdom 3.regimen 4.predominateover 5.ruling 6.holdthekeysof 7.ruleover 8.bossism 9.hadaholdon 10.haveaholdon 11.hasaholdon 12.predominant 13.hadpowerover 14.budget 15.dominant 16.control相關對話:
- 你決不要受別人意見的支配。You must not be governed by the opinions of others.
- 對於藝術作品的欣賞必然受到一種特殊的興趣愛好的支配。Appreciation of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest.
- 統治權一國對於他國之支配權力The predominant influence of one state over others.
- 哪個國家在聯盟中居於支配地位?Which country is the predominant member of the alliance?
- 她想要支配別人,引起了家庭糾紛。Her desire for domination over the others caused trouble in the family.