拼音:zhāo zhì英文解釋:
bring about; call down; effect; effectuate; incur; induce; lead to; reflect【經】 incur
(1) ∶引起招致意外的損失(2) ∶招來;羅致招致人才 >>查看“招致”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bringdownon 2.beget 3.invited 4.incurrence 5.incurment 6.reflect 7.calldown 8.induce 9.effectuation 10.invite 11.procure 12.begat 13.bringdownononeself 14.effect 15.let...in 16.effectuate漢語造句:
- 他的偏袒態度招致了不少批評。His partial attitude called forth a lot of criticism.
- 他的行為招致尖銳的批評。His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
- 輕率魯莽會招致災難。Recklessness invites disaster.
- 因操勞過度而招致的身體的衰退A crack-up due to overwork
- 她的放蕩行為招致了許許多多的麻煩。Her loose conduct let in a host of troubles.
- 招致苦惱困難的原因。a cause of difficulty and suffering
- 隨地吐痰招致疾病的傳播。Spitting in the street leads to the communication of disease.
- 你這輛大卡車容易招致火力,這是肯定無疑的。This big truck of yours is going to draw fire as sure as hell.