拼音:zhāo yǐn英文解釋:
attract; incur中文解釋:
吸引;引誘招引顧客 >>查看“招引”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 很多餐館都把自己精美菜餚的照片掛在外面以招引顧客。Many restaurant put out picture of their kickshaw to attract customer.
- 亮光招引了很多昆蟲。The light attracted a lot of insects.
- 鮮花招引來許多蜜蜂。Flowers attract many bees.
- 史蒂芬出售她的房子時招引買主的手法十分高超。Stephen used a highly successful come-on when she sold her house.
- 它招引了許多來客到這地方。It attracted many visitors to the place.
- 亮光招引了很多昆蟲.The light attracted a lot of insects.
- 史蒂芬出售她的房子時招引買主的手法十分高超。Stephen used a highly successful come-on when she sold her house
- 亮光招引了很多昆蟲The light attracted a lot of insects