拼音:zhāo rě má fán 英文解釋:
bring a hornets' nest about one's ears; stir up a nest of hornets相關詞條:
bringahornets'nestaboutone'sears 例句:
- 你想再次討論我們去年舉行的罷工,但我決定不招惹麻煩,改變了話題。
He wanted to talk again about the strike we had last year, but I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and changed the subject.
- 不要招惹麻煩。
Don't go to any trouble.
- 避開不善之人,遠離是非之地,不招惹麻煩,不要養成壞習慣
A void negative people, places, things and habits
- 為自己招惹麻煩
To stir up trouble for oneself.
- 如果他們繼續那樣做,就要招惹麻煩。
If they keep going on like that, they must expect trouble.
- 倘若拒絕聽我的建議,你會招惹麻煩的。
You are heading for trouble of you refuse to listen to my suggestions.
- 你在為自己招惹麻煩。
You are laying up trouble for yourself.