拼音:yòng yǔ英文解釋:
diction; phraseology; vocabulary; wording【法】 parlance; technicality
(1) ∶詞語的選擇或運用用語不當(2) ∶某個行業或專業的專門術語商業用語(3... >>查看“用語”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我的憂傷無法用語言表達。No words can express my grief.
- 這些詞是非正式用語。These words are informal.
- 那廣告用語與其產品名稱一語雙關。The slogan was a pun on the name of the product.
- 比喻用語上述用法的一個實例;比喻An instance of this use; a figure of speech
- 言談粗俗的粗野的;粗俗的。用語談話或語言Gross; coarse. Used of speech or language.
- 我們對你的感激難以用語言表達。Words can hardly express our gratitude to you.
- 對不起,你說什麼?(正式場合用語)I beg your pardon
- 阻止對手或球的運動,是體育比賽或對抗賽的用語。impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball), as in sports or fights.