拼音:yòng pǐn英文解釋:
articles for use; things; necessiities【經】 supplies
供使用的物品生活用品 >>查看“用品”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.thing 2.supplies中英例句:
- 這家商店供應各種野營用品。The shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.
- 難民苦於缺少食物和醫藥用品。The refugees are suffering for want of food and medical supplies.
- 目前正將醫藥用品空投到災區。Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area.
- 在紅十字會的保護下,正在空運進醫藥用品。Medical supplies are being flown in under the aegis of the Red Cross.