拼音:yōng yǒu英文解釋:
have; hold; own; possess【經】 own
占有;持有 >>查看“擁有”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bepossessedof 2.land-poor 3.havegot 4.inpossessionof 5.own 6.possession 7.possessof 8.possess 9.take(transport) 10.beseizedof 11.owned 12.providedwith 13.hold中英例句:
- 她在海濱擁有自己的房子。She owns a house at the seaside.
- 那場運動後,自耕農再也不能擁有並在他們自己的土地上耕耘了。The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.
- 這家商行為兩名合伙人所擁有。The business is owned by two partners.
- 他在山上擁有一棟巨宅。He possesses a huge house on the hillside.
- 他擁有許多不動產。He possesses a lot of immovable real property.
- 對我來說,擁有一輛汽車的花費太大。It's too much of an expense for me to own a car.
- 擁有世界冠軍是我們每個公民的驕傲。It's a civic pride to have a champion.
- 我們希望擁有成功幸福的生活。We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity.