拼音:yōng sè英文解釋:
congest; jam【計】 congestion
(1) ∶阻塞,阻隔河流擁塞港口逐漸擁塞(2) ∶叢聚;擁擠充塞荊棘擁塞 >>查看“擁塞”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.throng 2.becrowdedwith 3.jamming 4.jammed相關對話:
- 交通擁塞使道路交通完全中斷。The traffic jam filled the street up completely.
- 隧道里交通擁塞不堪。Traffic was bottleed up in the tunnel.
- B-ISDN中的擁塞控制技術Congestion Control Technique of B-ISDN
- ATM網路中ABR業務的擁塞控制Congestion Control of ABR Service in ATM Networks
- TCP/IP擁塞控制機制在MPLS網路中的改進及分析The Improvement and Analysis to TCP/IP Congestion Control Mechanism in MPLS
- Internet端到端擁塞控制的研究進展Research on end-to-end congestion control on Internet