拼音:yī zhí 英文解釋:
all along; all the while; all through; at all times; right; spang
(1) ∶不拐彎的(2) ∶始終 >>
查看“一直”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
spang 2.
atalltimes 3.
sempre 4.
allthrough 5.
allthewhile 6.
alltheway 7.
allthetime 8.
ofalltime 9.
atoneblast 10.
straight 中英例句:
- 我一直對心理學感興趣。
I am always interested in psychology.
- 她一直想成名。
She has always been desirous of fame.
- 她的命運一直與悲哀相連。
Sorrow has always been her portion.
- 我一直以為他是個相當古板的紳士。
I always thought of him as a rather staid old gentleman.
- 他一直在找一個能夠隨便談談的人。
Always he sought someone to whom he could talk without caution.
- 英國一直有一支強大的海軍,稱為皇家海軍。
Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy.
- 事情一直是這樣,並將繼續這樣下去。
It has been thus and will continue to be so.
- 警方一直在追捕我。
The police are always hounding me.