字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一小時後的英文翻譯


拼音:yī xiǎo shí hòu


【醫】 Hor. un. spatio.


  1. 與他爭論一小時後,我們做了一樁公平交易。
    After arguing with him for an hour, we made a fair trade.
  2. 一小時後他們還坐在那裡說個不停。
    An hour later they were still sitting there talking nineteen to the dozen.
  3. 與他爭論一小時後,我們做了一樁公平交易。
    After arguing with him for an hour, we made a fair trade
  4. 大約一小時後,我們將抵達漢城。
    We will arrive in Seoul in about one hour.
  5. 一小時後我們到了山頂然後休息了一會兒。
    After an hour we arrived at the mountaintop and had a short rest.
  6. 一小時後有一個會議,你可以給我在最上層擦快乾油嗎?
    I have a meeting in an hour. Can you put on the quick dry as the topcoat?
  7. 我們可以於一小時後把你的膠捲沖洗出來。
    We can develop your film in an hour.
  8. 一小時後有一個會議,你可以給我在最上層擦快乾油嗎
    I have a meeting in an hour Can you put on the quick dry as the topcoat
