拼音:yī xiǎo piàn英文解釋:
【法】 parcel相關詞條:
1.tidbit 2.titbit中英例句:
- 那男孩折了一小片木頭,連同一片乾樹葉一起放進先前盛銀幣的盒子裡。The boy broke off a bit of wood and dropped it, with a dry leaf, into the box where the coin was before.
- 這個藥吃一小片,一個鐘頭之內就可以睡著。One of these pills will put you to sleep in an hour.
- 從路上看不到這所房子, 它隱沒在一小片樹林裡。The house was concealed from the road by a small wood
- 造園開闢(一小片土地)作為花園To cultivate(a plot of ground) as a garden
- 補釘一小片用來修補用的布A small piece of cloth used for patchwork.
- 船舷漿叉舷邊上用於形成或支撐船漿的一小片木頭A small wooden strip on a gunwale that forms or supports an oarlock.