拼音:yī chéng bù biàn 英文解釋:
invariable; unalterable中文解釋:
一經形成,不容變更。亦泛指墨守成規,不知變通 >>
查看“一成不變”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 世界上沒有任何東西是一成不變的,一切都在變化。
Nothing is fixed in the world, Everything is changing.
- 但實際生活上咱們卻一成不變地依成果取向來付諸行動。
Yet, in actual life we invariably initiate action with a view to a result.
- 家庭主婦每天都是一成不變地操持家務。
Wives make a ritual of their household duties
- 比利:他們說一成不變的生活是無底的墳墓。
Billy: They say that a rut is a grave with the ends kicked out
- 一成不變的例行日常公事
The monotony of daily routine.
- 隨著時間的推移,嗅嗅和匆匆繼續著他們一成不變的生活。
As time went on, Sniff and Scurry continued their routine.