拼音:xíng shǐ英文解釋:
run; steam; steer; travel中文解釋:
車船行進順風行駛 >>查看“行駛”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.run 2.steam相關對話:
- 那車在高速公路上飛速行駛。The car is whizzing along the motorway.
- 我們在高速公路上行駛時汽油用完了。We ran out of juice on the motorway.
- 我騎著腳踏車順著道路行駛,那隻狗在後面跟著跑。I cycled off down the road with the dog running behind.
- 火車在軌道上行駛。Trains run on rails.
- 公共汽車星期日行駛不一定準能賺錢。It is not always economic for buses to run on Sunday.