拼音:xíng jiāng 英文解釋:
be about to; be on the verge of
不久就要;將要行將為人所並。——宋· 司馬... >>
查看“行將”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 工會與資方的最後談判行將終結,雙方努力爭取在限期前達成協定。否則,發行187年的《紐約郵報》將被迫永遠停刊。
Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.
- 反對派威脅要強行將該動議分組表決。
The opposition threatened to force a division on the motion.
- 他們的婚姻行將破裂。
Their marriage is on the rocks.
- 尺牘技巧行將消失。
The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing.
- 這樣的罪行將處以監禁或服苦役。
Such an offence shall be punished by detention in prison or at hard labour.
- 對於我們行將勝利的預感
a feeling that we will win
- 政府對駕駛法例的執行將更為嚴格。
The government are tightening up on the driving laws.